Posts in the Injustice Category

On Blogs and Suffering

I used to think that bloggers seemed to post about ridiculous amounts of suffering in their lives. Back then I assumed that this was simply due to exaggeration and making the sorrow up out of thin air. Now I have a completely new theory. Owning a blog causes suffering. Anybody who has been...

5 minute read.

And two of those mudflaps...

As most of you who know me well know, I’ve had a great deal of difficulty lately with the fact that some checks from a long-time closed checking account have gotten into the hands of some vagrants who have decided to go on a several-month shopping spree in my name. Last Thursday I received a...

10 minute read.

I'm still here!

Well depending on how you look at it, either yesterday or today is the 10-day mark from when “ the letter ” was written, and so far the police have not stormed down the door and taken me off in cuffs. On the other hand, I have not received word that they believe me from the DA’s office yet...

1 minute read.